Six principles for Responsible Employer

Principles for Responsible Employer
1. Non-discrimination
We are all different. Equal and fair treatment is the foundation of a prosperous work community. For example, gender or descent can not be a reason for discrimination or favoritism. When these situations are discovered, a responsible employer intervenes at a low threshold.
2. Work-life balance and well-being
There can be all sorts of changes in life that can affect an employee's well-being as well as coping in the workplace. A responsible employer listens to the employee and is flexible at different stages of the employee's life.
3. Contributing in supervision
A good supervisor is present in the daily lives of employees and interested in the day-to-day events of the workplace. People-oriented, listening supervisor work is a big part of responsible employability! Time must be set aside for the implementation of supervision and it must be developed consistently. A responsible employer takes care of that the supervisors have the capability to provide the employee with feedback constructively and on a regular basis.
4. Meaning of work and development
It is important for the employee to experience that his or her work input and job content are relevant. The employer enables the employee to develop and learn continuously. The employee feels that the importance of work is reflected in common values and that the workplace operates both ethically and ecologically.
5. Remuneration in accordance with demands of the position
Salary is an important motivating factor that also increases the experience of the relevance of the job. Appropriate compensation must always be given for the actual work. It is a good idea to discuss pay at regular intervals and especially as the employee develops. The employee must receive the salary on time and correctly.
6. Good applicant experience
The responsible employer will provide information about the applicant throughout the application process. Every applicant is valuable! The employer must properly communicate the progress of the recruitment - even in the case whe the applicant is not selected for the position.