Doctoral position in geology within the doctoral, Åbo Akademi
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 4.9.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 30.9.2024
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) is an internationally acknowledged research university with an extensive responsibility for providing education in Swedish in Finland. With its international research community and its strong Nordic ties, Åbo Akademi University has an acclaimed and recognized position within research and education both nationally and internationally.

The Faculty of Science and Engineering offers three funded positions for doctoral researchers (3 years/position) within the doctoral pilot Digital Waters Flagship (DIWA( One doctoral researcher will be employed to the subject Geology and Mineralogy and two doctoral researchers to the subject Environmental and Marine Biology (please see separate announcement). The positions start in January 1, 2025.

The DIWA flagship is a leading research and innovation ecosystem, using research to support decision-making and pave the way for the next revolution in the water sector - digitally.

Job description for the doctoral researcher-position at Geology and Mineralogy

The position is available in the doctoral program in mathematics, physics, chemistry and geology( The doctoral researcher will work on a theme entitled Geochemical processes related to gypsum treatment on farmland soils along the Baltic Sea".

Farmland clay soils along the Baltic Sea are, to a variable degree, susceptible to poor soil structure, erosion and associated leaching of phosphorous bound to clay-particles into the sea. Recently applied large-scale gypsum (CaSO4) treatment of farmlands has locally reduced erosion and nutrient loads effectively. Potential risks include excessive sulfur fluxes to sensitive water bodies as well as disruption of the nutrient balance or flushing of potentially toxic metals from acid sulfate soils through cation exchange by Ca2+.

In the PhD project, the fate of Ca and SO4 derived from gypsum, will be tracked along the flow path from the topsoil to subsoil and further to the recipient streams. For Ca, particular emphasis will be placed on its impact on cation exchange of nutrients and potentially toxic metals, how this affects the nutrient balance and leaching of metals from the soil. As for SO4, main focus will be to assess its mobility and leaching time in order to predict the temporal impact on sulfate concentrations in recipient water bodies.

The PhD work will include soil- and water sampling in the field, laboratory experiments, element analysis, and data interpretation. The ultimate goal is to determine where gypsum treatment is environmentally and economically viable to use in order to reduce erosion and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea.

Supervision and research environment

The candidate will work within the research group at Geology and Mineralogy at Åbo Akademi and will be provided with the laboratory facilities and other necessary infrastructure needed. As part of DIWA, the candidate will benefit from its training program and seminars.

Other qualifications and evaluation

This announcement is open for those who have a Master's degree in Geology AND a supervisor or a potential supervisor from Åbo Akademi University (who has agreed to supervise the applicant) within Geology at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Applicants must receive their Master's degree (or equivalent) on 1.12.2024, at the latest (a copy of degree certificate or a certificate of completed degree achieved after the application period has closed should be sent to

Please note that there is a separate application process for the admission to a doctoral programme( at ÅAU. Applicants can apply for admission to a doctoral programme after receiving the decision on employment. An applicant, who is not yet accepted as a doctoral student at the Faculty, needs to fulfil the requirements for doctoral studies according to the principles for admission to the doctoral programmes within the faculty. When the employment commences, the doctoral researcher needs to have a study right for a doctoral degree awarded no earlier than 1.11.2023 or be at a stage of studies that allows the candidate to be awarded a right to study for a doctoral degree during the probationary period, i.e. within six months of the start of employment.

We are looking for candidates with excellent teamwork and communication skills as well as ability to take responsibility and show commitment toward collaborators. The applicants are assessed on the basis of their study achievements, research plan (see below) and its feasibility, a job interview and possible results of previous research in the relevant field or related subjects.

The following experience is considered essential:

- Soil and water sampling
- Laboratory work on soil and water analysis
- Experimental design

Terms of employment

Doctoral researchers employed by Åbo Akademi University should actively take part in the research and education within the faculty in Turku. Åbo Akademi University applies the salary system of Finnish universities. The salary for a doctoral position will be based on levels 2-4 of the job demand level for teaching and researching staff in the salary system. Currently, the starting salary for doctoral researchers is approximately 2,580 € per month. The salary increases as the candidate makes progress towards a doctoral degree and the finalization of the studies. Doctoral researchers will have total working time, which means 1,612 hours per academic year. The employment is full-time. The individual study plan for doctoral researchers will be evaluated annually. A trial period applies to new employees.


Submit an electronic application below (Leave an application). For guidelines on the electronic application, please see The application should include the following enclosures:

- A free-form application letter including main subject
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