Sairaanhoitaja, lääkevastaava, Mainiokoti Wanha L, MEHILÄINEN OY
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 28.6.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 14.7.2024
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
Each one of our professionals is different. But one thing unites us all - we're on a lifelong mission. If you feel the same way, come and work with us.

We are looking for (add a position here) to join our (add team here) in (add location here)
Describe briefly and attractively the role and area of responsibility in the position.

For example: In your job, you do all kinds of customer service work. Your duties include making appointments and prescriptions, assisting doctors in procedures, and performing your own procedures such as wound care, vaccinations and ear-rinsing.

Describe briefly about the competencies and knowledge needed in the position.

For example: You are a nurse by training and have excellent communication skills and the ability to communicate in English. Experience of similar tasks is beneficial to you, but we will induct you into your job very well and you will receive the support of our entire team.

Describe briefly and attractively what we offer as an employer.

For example: As a our company professional, you get the employee benefits of a major employer such as sports and cultural activities, occupational health care and the opportunity to participate in regular continuing education. We are a flexible employer. With us, working can be fun, we value people who move things forward and everyone has a say in what goes on in the unit.

Did we inspire you? Apply for the job by Our team is already waiting to hear from you!

For further information, please contact: (contact details of the person providing the information)

For example: For further information, please contact head nurse N.N., tel. xxxx xxxxxx,, Monday xx.xx. at 1-2 pm and Friday xx.xx. at 11-12 am.
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