Commercial Data Analyst
Tietoa tehtävästä
We are looking for a Commercial data analyst
As commercial data analyst you would contribute to our data management and would make an impact in adding value from data.
You would work in our analyst team in finance department. Our main goal is to transform data into information to support decision making and our sales organization in general. As commercial data analyst you would be in charge of our data quality and also improving reporting and data culture in general. We are looking for curious data expert who wants to learn new approaches and is eager to question current data processes.
Your main responsibilities:
Collecting, analyzing and prioritizing requirements for data analyses
Follow up of our process and identifying quality issues
Developing and building operative and strategic set of dashboards and KPI follow-up
Communicating the results of data analyses both in written but also live with our sales organization
Proactively giving your insight and improvement ideas based on data analyses
Training end-users
Involvement with local and international projects
We are looking for a person with some experience in data management but more specifically a desire to learn and develop further together with Lyreco. You need to be proactive with your attitude. In this role you would also need to present your findings to different audiences inside our organization. This is partly and international role so fluent English is a must.
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in IT or Finance or similar
Fluent verbal and written communication skills both Finnish and English
Wide knowledge of data analyzing and reporting tools e.g. MS Power BI, Azure, SQL etc.
Desire to learn to use Power automate
Excellent MS office skills
Strong analytical skills that allow creation and development of data-driven analyses
Tendency to pay close attention to details without losing the touch on big picture
About Lyreco
Our values are excellence, passion, respect and agility. These values drive our everyday decision making and you will play an important role in our working day. Your new job starts with proper induction period with support from different departments. You will also become a part of an active international data community. We have competitive staff benefit package including extensive occupational health care and possibility to use our own gym. Your daily work is supported by up-to-date tools. Our office is in Vantaa and we have a hybrid work policy.
In this role you will report to Finance Director and salary is based on your skills and competencies so please put your request in application.
Hope to hear from you soon! For more information please contact Finance Director Matti Jaakkola,
Apply for the job at the latest 11.9.2024. Please send your application in English.
Tietoa työnantajasta
Olemme alamme johtava toimija Suomessa, Euroopan markkinajohtaja sekä maailman kolmanneksi suurin. Toimitamme 12 000 työntekijän voimin sekä kumppaniverkostomme kautta työpaikkatarvikkeita ja -palveluita yrityksille ja yhteisöille 40 maassa 4 mantereella. Suomessa meitä on noin 200, toimitusverkostomme kattaa koko maan.
Elämme visiotamme “A Great Working Day. Delivered.” joka päivä, tavoitteenamme antaa asiakkaillemme paras mahdollinen asiakaskokemus sekä työntekijöillemme kokemus vastuullisesta työnantajasta, josta olla ylpeä. Arvomme; tekemisen palo, erinomaisuus, kunnioitus ja ketteryys, on sisäistetty läpi koko konsernin ja ne näkyvät tekemisessämme, sitoutumisenamme sekä organisaatiokulttuurissamme.
Tutustu työnantajan yrityssivuun osoitteessa
Lyreco Finland Oy muualla verkossa
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