Process Engineer, Genencor International Oy, Hangon tehdas
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 27.9.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 18.10.2024
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
Työn yhteenveto
Osoittaa osaamista tietyillä teknologia-alueilla tai sovelluksissa käyttämällä asiantuntemusta arvoa luovien ratkaisujen kehittämiseen projektiryhmille ja sidosryhmille. Hallinnoi useampaa kuin yhtä valvonnan määräämää hanketta, vastaa hankkeen kokeellisista näkökohdista. ja tarjoaa korkealaatuisia tietoja; tunnistaa ja löytää tapoja parantaa kokeellisen / tiimin työn laatua, laadukkaiden tulosten ja monimutkaisten ongelmien ratkaisujen parantamista; suunnittelee, aikatauluttaa ja määrittää resurssit tulosten saavuttamiseksi tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi; etsii ja toteuttaa uusia ideoita ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi ja innovatiivisten panosten antamiseksi.

IFF is always evolving and innovating new ways to stay ahead of the curve.

Genencor International Oy is part of the global IFF company. We are a global leader in the industrial biotechnology sector which develops innovative enzymes and bio-products to improve the performance and reduce the environmental impact of the detergents and dish washing, textiles, animal nutrition, food & grain processing and other chemical industries.

Hanko plant in Finland is producing a variety of sustainable enzyme products for Home & Personal Care, Animal Nutrition and Food Enzymes markets.

We are looking for a proactive and problem-solving PROCESS ENGINEER who believes that working together is the way to solve challenges and accomplish common goals. The position is based in Hanko. You will join a great team of 10 colleagues, which consists of specialists working in different areas of the enzyme production process, and you will also work closely with the other plant personnel.

With IFF you will have a big role in connecting with other sites both locally and globally. We are continuously looking to optimize, so you will have plenty of opportunities to explore new technologies and participate in projects which will make the world more sustainable. You will join a large-scale biotech growth company with the potential to further develop your professional skills.

Your responsibilities will include:

Process performance and continuous improvement, troubleshooting and technical support for unit operations.

Analysis of process data, compiling results and progress in clear reports for the global project teams.

Be an active member in process and equipment changes and construction projects, providing technical support, developing the automation level of the process, and lead commissioning and start-up activities.

New product introductions to the plant together with global teams and R&D.

Participate in global network of experts to drive technology development across production sites.

Process safety and sustainability in your process area are an integral part of your job.

Ideally, you are a Chemical Engineer with strong skills and interest in process technology and fluid mechanics. You can be either an entry level candidate or a more senior expert, depending on the suitability and experience.

Further qualifications:

Master of Science or Bachelor of Science in Chemical or Process engineering.

Fluent oral and written skills in both Finnish and English are required.

Good skills in process automation and process technology are required.

Previous experience in large scale enzyme manufacturing and work experience in bio-/chemical industry are an advantage.

Knowledge of data analytics and modeling is an advantage.

Experience and interest in chemical safety and process safety management is an advantage.

Willingness to travel occasionally.


You care and want to make processes safer and more efficient.

You like to collaborate in a changing environment with speed and agility.

Results driven mindset.

Please submit your CV and application in English as soon as possible, but no later than October 18th 2024. We review applications on an ongoing basis.

Olemme maailman johtava maku-, tuoksu- ja ravitsemusalan toimittaja, joka tarjoaa asiakkaillemme laajemman valikoiman luonnollisia ratkaisuja ja vauhdittaa kasvustrategiaamme. Uskomme IFF:llä, että ainutlaatuisuutesi vapauttaa potentiaalimme. Arvostamme etnisyyden, kansallisen alkuperän, rodun, iän, sukupuolen tai veteraanistatuksen monipuolista mosaiikkia. Pyrimme osallistavaan työpaikkaan, jossa jokainen kollegamme voi tuoda aidon minänsä työhön riippumatta uskonnostaan, sukupuoli-identiteetistään & ilmaisu, seksuaalinen suuntautuminen tai vamma.

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