Henkilökohtainen avustaja, Sam's Care Oy
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 25.9.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 6.10.2024
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
We are hiring several employees for personal assistant jobs in different parts of the capital region. The tasks include, for example, help with errands outside the home, outdoor help, small yard work , c housework and assisting in other activities. We expect punctuality and care from our employees. More important than work experience, we value the desire to do this work and the experience that helping people is close to your heart. You have to speak english or french.Please send an application with a curriculum vitae by email to info@samscare.fi
Hae työpaikkaa

Hae työpaikkaa osoitteesta mailto:info@samscare.fi