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Tietoevry Oyj - Tietoa työnantajasta

Tietoa työnantajasta

Tietoevry is a leading digital services and software company creating digital advantage for businesses and society. We serve thousands of enterprises and public sector customers in more than 90 countries. By joining our exciting journey you get to help businesses and societies meet their full potential – while you are also reaching yours! We help to develop the Nordic society and lift businesses on another level by using technology and data to achieve incredible opportunities: from urbanization to traffic and climate change to resource scarcity.

Did you know that you deal with us almost every day?

When you withdraw money at an ATM, when you buy a train ticket online, make mobile payments or when you receive a digital message that it is time to pick up a package you have ordered. The team behind the scenes for these solutions is a large group of strategists, coders, architects, analysts, industry experts and future enthusiasts making an impact on people’s day to day life.

Come join us!

Tietoevry creates purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. We are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global capabilities. Based on our core values of openness, trust and diversity, we work with our customers to develop digital futures where businesses, societies, and humanity thrive.

Our 24,000 experts globally specialize in cloud, data, and software, serving thousands of enterprise and public-sector customers in more than 90 countries. Tietoevry’s annual turnover is approximately EUR 3 billion and the company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ exchange in Helsinki and Stockholm, as well as on Oslo Børs.

Digital advantage for businesses and societies | Tietoevry


  • Puhelin +3582072010
  • Käyntiosoite Keilalahdentie 2-4, 02150, Espoo
  • Postiosoite PL 2, 02101, Espoo
  • Työnantajan verkkosivut tietoevry.com

Tutustu työnantajaan Tietoevry Oyj

Avoimet työpaikat
Tietoevry Oyj on julkinen osakeyhtiö jonka päätoimiala on Tietojenkäsittelyn ja laitteistojen käyttö- ja hallintapalvelut. Vuonna 2023 yrityksen Tietoevry Oyj liikevaihto oli 174 294 044,00 euroa. Vuonna 2022 liikevaihto oli 179 909 870,00 euroa. Liikevaihdon muutos edellisvuoteen verrattuna oli -3,12 %. Tilikauden tulos vuonna 2023 oli 119 697 974,00 euroa. Työnantajan kotipaikka on Espoo ja käyntiosoite KEILALAHDENTIE 2-4, 02150, ESPOO. Tietoevry Oyj käyttää y-tunnusta 0101138-5.