Tenure-track or tenured position in Political Eco, Hanken & SSE Executive Education Ab
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 10.12.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 8.1.2025
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE(https://www.helsinkigse.fi/))https://www.helsinkigse.fi/ brings together the economics faculty from three Finnish universities - Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, and University of Helsinki. Its mission is to produce outstanding research with maximum academic and social impact, to educate the next generation of world-class economists, and to offer excellent training across disciplinary borders. Helsinki GSE collaborates closely with VATT(https://vatt.fi/en/frontpage)Institute for Economic Researchhttp://www.vatt.fi/en/.

Hanken School of Economics invites applications for A tenure-track or tenured position in Political Economy (broadly defined)

in any rank (tenure-track assistant professor, tenured associate professor or tenured full professor) beginning no later than September 2025 (negotiable). The position is in the Department of Finance and Economics.

Hanken School of Economics is a research-oriented business school offering education in English and Swedish. The Economics unit, as part of Helsinki GSE, is committed to high quality research specializing in industrial organization, behavioural and experimental economics, and empirical and theoretical microeconomics more generally. We offer full scale graduate and undergraduate programs offered in collaboration with two other Helsinki GSE partners (Aalto University and University of Helsinki). Hanken and Helsinki GSE are conveniently located in the city center of Helsinki. The center hosts research groups in various fields of economics. For more information about us, please visit our web page(https://www.hanken.fi/en/departments-centres/department-finance-and-economics/economics) and Helsinki GSE(https://www.helsinkigse.fi/).


The applicants will be reviewed based on their research, teaching, institutional service, and societal impact. For this position, priority will be given to applicants with teaching proficiency in Swedish. Applicants are also required to have fluent command of English.

Applicants for the assistant professor level should hold a doctoral degree (or be near completion of the doctorate) in economics or in a related field. When evaluating the applicants' qualifications, the main focus will be on the potential to conduct high quality scientific research in economics and the potential to provide high-quality teaching in economics.

In addition to the requirements for an assistant professor, applicants for the associate professor level are expected to have demonstrated internationally high levels of research within the scientific field of the position, high levels in teaching and contributed through institutional service and societal impact.

Applicants for full professor can demonstrate that she or he is an internationally recognised researcher with continued internationally high levels of research within the scientific field of the position. A professor is also expected to demonstrate continued high levels in teaching, institutional service and societal impact. In addition, academic leadership, experience of PhD supervision, experience and success in applying competitive research funding, international research cooperation, academic expert assignments, and experience of service within an academic department, faculty and / or university are expected.

Academic staff at Hanken are expected to carry out and supervise scientific research, provide high quality academic teaching, closely follow the advances of their field, and participate in service to Hanken, the academic community, and society.

The full-time position has an annual working time of 1612 hours. During the academic year, it is expected that a minimum average of three days per week is spent at the office in Helsinki to actively contribute to the research and teaching environment. Teaching tasks are allocated based on the curriculum needs of the subject and by considering relevant own expertise.


The salary is based on the university salary system in Finland (includes employee healthcare as well as pension and holiday contributions). The exact salary level depends on the recruited individual's qualifications and performance. Hanken will support the selected employee with a start-up research budget, and additional research, travel and teaching development grants can also be applied for. Hanken rewards excellence in both research and teaching.

For more Information

For additional information, please contact Professor Topi Miettinen topi.miettinen@hanken.fi

General instructions for applicants are provided here(https://www.hanken.fi/en/faculty-staff/job-opportunities/job-opportunities/applications-and-selection-process). Also, read more about Hanken as an employer here(https://www.hanken.fi/en/node/2413861).

Recruitment process and timeline

The application deadline is January 8th 2025. Candidates will be interviewed online shortly after the application deadline. Short-listed candidates will be invited to on-site campus visits including an interview and research presentation.

How to apply

The application is to be addressed to the Rector and application materials should include:

Cover letter in which the applicant specifies the level at which the applicant would like to be evaluated (professor, associate professor, or assistant professor)

CV (proposed content here(https://tenk.fi/en/advice-and-materials/template-researchers-curriculum-vitae) ), including list of publications.

Personal statement, which includes a description of past research and its scientific quality, academic impact, plans for future research and a description of the candidate's service to the department and university and a description of the candidate's societal impact.

List of publications (with the most significant publications highlighted, maximum 10 for a full professor and 5 for associate and assistant professor of which 5 publications attached in the application at associate and full levels.)

Teaching portfolio (proposed content here(https://www.hanken.fi/en/faculty-staff/job-opportunities/job-opportunities/applications-and-selection-process)).

Applicants for the assistant professor level: Three letters of reference from academic researchers to be submitted directly to Hanken via humanresources@hanken.fi

Please submi
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