Muu kotiapulainen tai -siivooja, RestMore OY
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 24.9.2024
  • Ilmoitus on toistaiseksi voimassa
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
Cleaning to Airbnb apartments. Cleaning is executed daily between 10 and 15, depending on check in schedule - working hours per day from 3 to 7 hours /day, average 5 hours/day. Part of working tasks is working with sheets ( washing, arranging). We bring the sheets to the apartments ourselves with a cart.
If you are interested in this job please send a cv, and most importantly cover letter - write where you are located, what is your situation (work / study), what days you can work, what days you can not work, what is your experience in the relevant work. The apartments are located in the center of Helsinki. You can send a message to Telegram @AnnaPeltonen, also in Russian. The email to contact:
Hae työpaikkaa

Hae työpaikkaa osoitteesta