Welder for robotwelding, PPLE The People Company Oy Ab
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 24.9.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 4.10.2024
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
This job requires experience or operator certification in mechanised welding, plasma welding (process 15). Also including manual welding. The materials are mainly acid-resistant/stainless steel (8.1), with material thicknesses of 4-8 mm. If process (15+136) is available, it is a plus.

The work is fulltime and ongoing workingcontract in a stable company.
We assist you in all matters regarding relocation in Finland; workingpermission, ID, bankaccount, taxcard, healthcard, finding accomodation and so on.
Please apply as soon as possible by sending your CV and cover letter to us info@pple.fi
See you soon!
Hae työpaikkaa

Hae työpaikkaa osoitteesta mailto:tina.nylund@pple.fi