Project researcher in Psychology, 1.1.2025-31.5.2, Åbo Akademi
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 11.9.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 21.10.2024
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
Åbo Akademi söker en projektforskare i psykologi för projektet Psychological Reactance and Polarization: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions vid ämnet psykologi#_msocom_1, vid Fakulteten för humaniora, psykologi och teologi (FHPT) i Åbo, Finland. Anställningen är för tiden 1.1.2025-31.5.2028. Den tidsbundna anställningen är på heltid. Se annonsen i sin helhet på engelska nedan.

Åbo Akademi University is an internationally acknowledged research university with an extensive responsibility for providing education in Swedish in Finland. With its international research community and its strong Nordic ties, Åbo Akademi University has an acclaimed and recognized position within research and education both nationally and internationally.

The research project Reactance and Polarization: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions, funded by the Research Council of Finland#_msocom_1, invites applications for a fixed-term position as Project researcher in Psychology for the period 1.1.2025-31.5.2028. The position is focused on the fields of social psychology and communication. The fixed-termed position is full time.

The key aims of the research project are to investigate to what degree persuasive communication about controversial topics triggers psychological reactance in people and whether this reactance influences people's opinion on the topic and feelings towards the persuader. The aim is further to develop and evaluate interventions that can effectively mitigate reactance and gain insight into whether polarization can be prevented by mitigating reactance. The research will be conducted in collaboration with national and international scientists and relevant stakeholders.

The primary tasks of the Project researcher #_msocom_2are

- Carry out research of high international standard in direct alignment with the project
- Actively participate in all activities related to the project
- Actively pursue publications of research findings
- Seeking external research funding as well as participating in other researchers' project proposals
- Actively participate in activities related to the Department of Psychology at Åbo Akademi University


We are looking for a candidate with a doctoral degree in psychology or other relevant discipline#_msocom_5 #_msocom_6(a copy of the diploma of a doctoral degree should be submitted in the application). Excellent oral and written knowledge of English is required for the position.

As the position involves conducting experimental research and designing innovative interventions, applicants with prior experience in interventions, communication (for example health or political communication), experimental research design, and statistical methods related to experimental research, are particularly encouraged to apply. We are looking for a candidate who demonstrates strong collaborative skills, takes personal responsibility, and is committed to reach targets. Experience of national or international research projects, as well as of research coordination or management, will be regarded as advantageous. Teaching and supervision experience will also be considered an asset.

When assessing the applicant's qualifications for the position, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:

- Scientific merits (70%), including scientific publications in the field, relevance of the scientific background, and experience from participation in research projects.
- Interactive competence (20 %), including tasks relating to society and media, good collaboration skills, administrative experience, which may have been acquired also outside academia.
- Pedagogical competence (10%), including experience in teaching and supervision.

The appointment will be based on an overall assessment of the applicants' capabilities to carry out the work duties included in the position. The applicants may be invited to an interview.

The project researcher's salary is based on levels 5-6 of the job demand levels for teaching and research staff. In addition, an individual salary component based on personal work performance is added to the salary. Please see the salary chart( for teaching and research personnel.

Researchers have a total working time of 1,612 hours per year. A trial period of six months applies to all new employees.

Please submit your electronic application in the ÅAU recruitment system below ( no later than October 21st, 2024, at 15:00 (EEST, Finnish time zone). Please see guidelines on the electronic application(

The application should include the following enclosures (in English):

- Application letter with a description of your motivation for the assignment, your scientific background and your research interests (max 2 pages)
- A curriculum vitae (CV) in compliance with the TENK model( (The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity) including a full list of publications.
- A maximum of three publications relevant to the application. The publications must be provided electronically, either attached to the application or with a link to an online version or file sharing system transfer where the publications can be downloaded.
- Degree certificate(s), possible language competence and pedagogical studies certificates
- Names and contact details of at least two reference persons, for example a colleague or principal investigator.


Joining the dynamic and international academic community at Åbo Akademi University leads to many opportunities. As a member of staff here, various benefits will be available, on our welcoming university campus environment. These include occupational healthcare, an up-to-date research infrastructure and high-quality teaching resources, possibilities for personal development and continuing education, including the chance to study both pedagogy and languages.

We support staff well-being through a comprehensive occupational healthcare package in addition to general sickne
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