Kerroshoitaja, Osuuskauppa Arina
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 5.6.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 31.7.2024
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
Break Sokos Hotel Levi

Tuu Leville sesonkiin nauttimaan työstä ja Lapin elämänilosta. Työt alkavat marraskuussa ja sesonki kestää maalis-/huhtikuun 2025 loppuun saakka. Työtuntimäärät sopimuksen mukaan, maks. 90h/3vkoa. Työkielenä suomi tai englanti.

As a housekeeper your main duty is to ensure our costumers excellent hotel experience in maintenance. The role involves various cleaning tasks, such as e.g. dusting, vacuuming, mopping and changing bed linens. Jobs will be starting in November 2024 and continue till March/April 2025.

Work Benefits

-an international environment in the heart of unique nature in Lapland, Levi
-top-notch colleagues, and wonderful memories for the rocking chair days
-the best employee benefits in Finland by far and as a bonus; staff and wellness cards, including free gym access, guided groups, and staff lift tickets for the entire season.
-affordable accommodation starting from 300€/month, including water, electricity, furniture, and sauna. Ask for more details!
-a performance bonus on top of your salary, up to 1.30€/per worked hour.
-comprehensive occupational health services, and our employees are also insured outside of working hours.

We expect from You

-English language on communicative level
-Positive attitude and flexibility towards sift work and busy peak season
-Good teamwork skills, friendly attitude and smiling personality
-Previous cleaning experience is not required.
-Experience the feeling of joy, become a happiness professional at Levi, check out your opportunities Break Sokos Hotel Levi FB: @BreakSokosHotelLevi IG: @breaklevi

Interested? Apply for the position by July 31, 2024. Be quick, as we will be interviewing candidates during the application period and will fill the position once a suitable candidate is found.

For more information about the position, please contact

Housekeeping Manager Carita Sorsa at 044 788 6122
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