Optimisation & Forecast Specialist
Tietoa tehtävästä
With over 100 years of history, Helen is a major player in the Finnish energy sector, dedicated to providing innovative and sustainable energy solutions. We are focusing on green flexibility to make a sustainable impact both on national level and supporting Helsinki’s commitment in becoming carbon neutral in 2030. We are committed to driving growth and optimal decisions in the energy markets through data-driven insights and strategic decision-making.
In order to reach our goals, we are now looking for Optimisation & Forecast Specialist. Helen is headquartered in Helsinki, and we work in hybrid model offering flexible remote working opportunities.
Economic holistic optimisation across Helen's entire portfolio and utilising opportunities in physical energy markets are at the core of this position. You will develop the valuation of flexibilities and their optimal use by leveraging optimisation tools.
In this role, your responsibility will be to develop forecasts (volume forecasts, price forecasts, etc.) that serve as the basis for optimisation, and to design and implement measures to improve the quality of these forecasts. In the increasingly unpredictable energy sector, the importance of high-quality forecasts has grown and will continue to grow significantly.
You will contribute to developing data management and quality control related to the optimisation process. Additionally, the use and development of IT tools related to optimisation e.g. through the definition of usage requirements is an essential part of the job. Success in this role requires the ability to understand both business logic and the role of data and systems in business execution, enabling smooth collaboration with our digital solutions team, among others. You will be working closely with various internal stakeholders within Helen Group.
Your main responsibilities are:
- Optimising Helen’s energy system and flexibility utilisation
- Forecasts – improving processes and forecast quality
- Finding ways to ensure and improve data quality (both optimisation inputs and outputs) and the efficient use of optimisation-related IT tools
The ideal profile for the role:
- Hands on and proactive attitude
- MSc or BSc level education of a suitable academic field
- Strong IT skills, including understanding of data flows and integrations
- Knowledge of energy markets and energy systems
- Mathematical skills and optimisation expertise are considered advantageous
- Fluency in English is a must and at least basics of Finnish are required
Some questions in your mind? You can enquire the position with the hiring manager, Kiira Happonen (040-1779855, firstname.lastname(a)helen.fi). The best times to contact her are 9.1. from 13:30-15 EET and 10.1. from 13:30-15 EET.
Interested? Excellent. Please apply through our recruitment portal by January 19th 2025 with your CV, motivation letter, and salary expectation. You can submit your application in English or in Finnish. We hope to hear from you soon.
Let’s join our forces!
Tietoa työnantajasta
Miksi tekisit jotain muuta, kun voit olla tekemässä kanssamme parempaa maailmaa?
Me olemme Helen, puhtaamman ja helpomman arjen energiakumppani. Lämmön, jäähdytyksen ja sähkön lisäksi tarjoamme ratkaisuja alueelliseen ja uusiutuvaan energiaan, älykkäisiin kiinteistöihin sekä sähköiseen liikenteeseen yli 500 000 asiakkaalle Suomessa.
Haemme jatkuvasti uusia maailmanluokan osaajia rakentamaan toimivampaa ja puhtaampaa tulevaisuutta kanssamme. Haluamme olla yritysten, kotitalouksien ja yhteistyökumppaneiden ykkösvalinta, ja uskomme, että muutokset tehdään yhdessä asiakkaidemme kanssa.
Jos koko ihmiskuntaa koskevat haasteet kiinnostavat, saatat olla etsimämme kollega.
Yhdistetään voimat!
Tutustu työnantajan yrityssivuun osoitteessa https://tyopaikat.oikotie.fi/yritys/helen/2630573-4
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